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Practice Areas

Business Related Matters

T. Maxwell Smith, PLLC, we provide assistance on a wide array of Business-Related Matters. Our attorneys are committed to understanding our clients' business needs and assisting them in addressing various legal issues that arise in the course of their businesses.

About Us #1
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At Richards & Smith, LLP, we understand that in today's complex and dynamic business environment, unforeseen legal issues can emerge on short notice. Business-Related Matters encompass a broad spectrum of areas - from commercial transactions, business formations, contracts and agreements, to employment law, intellectual property, and compliance with regulatory standards.

Our team of skilled attorneys are well versed in Texas business law and offer a depth of experience across these multiple disciplines. We are dedicated to understanding our clients' businesses inside-out, enabling us to provide legal advice and strategies tailored to their unique business objectives and circumstances. Our goal is to facilitate the smooth operation of our clients' businesses, helping them manage potential risks and handle legal disputes when they arise.

We pride ourselves on our professional approach, working diligently to stay abreast of the latest developments in business law. This knowledge, coupled with our commitment to client service, equips us to help navigate the complexities that businesses encounter in their day-to-day operations.

In all Business-Related Matters, we aim to provide dependable legal services to businesses of all sizes. Whether you're an entrepreneur just starting out or you manage an established corporation, Richards & Smith, LLP stands ready to assist with your business law needs.



Our attorneys at Richards & Smith, LLP are prepared to provide you with the competent and committed representation needed in your case.

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Your Texas Legal Team
T. Maxwell Smith, PLLC: Professional, strategic, and committed to your cause. Your guide through your legal matter.

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